Wednesday, March 04, 2009

February 25, 2009

Blue & Gold Banquet

It's that time of year again for the Blue & Gold Banquet! This year, the theme was "the ABC's of America" - the boys celebrated places in the US they have visited. Unfortunately for Austin, we've just spent 3 years overseas and the only real places he's been to visit since we've been here are Wisconsin and the Mall of America (okay, the Old Mill State Park was nice). Our printer wasn't cooperating, so that meant he didn't have anything to show. I guess I could have had him draw a picture of something, but frankly speaking, I just don't have the energy lately. Poor Austin ...

The evening went well. There were yummy hamburgers and chips to eat and the boys played a game called "Where in the US is Carmen Santiago?". The boys enjoyed answering the questions and beating the adults! ;) Ah, and the much awaited Pinewood Derby cars were given out. Austin and Nate are really REALLY excited to do them! We've already been on the internet, looking at cars and paint jobs. :)

On a side note, Austin walked into the wall and bumped his head. :( It still is very sore to touch - he has a hard time combing his hair.

Austin and Nate are getting ready for the flag ceremony to begin ...

Austin is ready to receive some achievement beads ...

After receiving his achievement beads ...

Brother Farmer, reading off the awards for the night ...

Zoom zoom! ready for the derby!

It looked worse than this ... yeowch!


Jerry and Maaret said...

I love the pinewood derby cars, too! SOOO FUN!!!