Thursday, January 18, 2007


The newest Wilcock

Well, as usual, Jacob is TDY and we bought a new puppy - I know, I know ... the poor guy! It's just not safe for him to leave me alone! Okay, so I'm not totally honest with you all - Jacob knew we were going to get Gabby beforehand - it's just funnier thinking he didn't!

Melissa, Austin, Ang (the navigator) and I went to pick up our little Gabby-meister on January 14th - she tolerated the car ride home
and once we got here, started exploring and marking her territory :) We took her to the vet the next day and found that she has a really bad case of ear mites (they are quite common over here) and we are now enjoying the wonderful world of "trying to get them in her ear without causing too much trauma". She has been very playful and likes to chew on everything. The kids, especially, have been waiting for another dog to come into the house - we all miss Spot terribly!

Gabby has already acquired some new 'nick-names', i.e.,

- Gabby Girl
- "you little schnitzel"
- Baby
- Gabby Gabby
- Gabby Good Girl (triple G)

Here are some phrases she has heard so far:

- Leave my bra alone!
- Stop chewing on the computer cords
- Why are you eating the couch?
- Where are you, Gabby? I can't find you!
- Gabby go potty! Good potty!
- Give me kisses!
- Stop chewing on my sock!
- Gabby go poo-poos!


Jerry and Maaret said...

aawwwww! such a cute little schnitzel. they're so cute when they're tiny...