Thursday, September 28, 2006

Service Project - September 2006

On Saturday, we were to travel to Norwich to do a service project for our church, but seeing the kids and I weren't feeling up to a trip (chest colds, you know), we decided to do a local service project.
We went to an old cemetery in Mildenhall village (aka Mildenhall High Town) and had a great day out! We went with our friends Maaret and her daughter Maggie and Ang and Josh. Clearing away the vines from the grave markers was hard work and the children went around and picked up rubbish (still notice the British accent). We celebrated a job well done by going to a Chinese eatery...yum, yum!
I must admit, viewing all of the names and dates of the dearly departed makes me want to become more of a genealogy enthusiast! Good times were had by all!


Jerry and Maaret said...

cool photos... who's your photographer?