A Thankful Day
... and a Thankful Black Friday
Thanksgiving is an awesome time of year! This year, we had a very relaxing day - just our family, seeing as we don't have too many friends here (yet?). :) Anyhoo, the day was spent lounging around ... Melissa took many naps and watched "One Tree Hill", Austin and Jacob played Guitar Hero - World Tour, and I watched Lost, season 2. Poor Jacob made all of the Turkey Day foodstuff, so I was in charge of Black Friday fare. :)
Here is a picture of "the men" playing Guitar Hero. Note that Jacob is giving Austin some tips ...
Here is a picture of Austin's 5th disease. Another breakout today ... when is this going to end!? It's been over 3 weeks ...
The dogs and Austin ... isn't it cute that Pirate is giving Gabby a kiss? Awww ...
Austin, trying to hug Gabby but getting mauled by Pirate ...
Moving to North Dakota has definitely made me appreciate my family and friends. I am also very thankful to be the seminary teacher - having Melissa in class is a riot! :) I can't imagine waking up any other way ...
So, Melissa and I went to beddie bye early because of "Black Friday" ... we picked up M's friend, Mackenzie, at around 2:40am (yes, that is early!). We started off the day at the BX here on base - heck, I wanted my free $20 gift card! lol
Then we picked up my OBFND (only best friend in North Dakota), Carolyn, and we headed out to Kohl's and WalMart. We were pretty much bushed after that. :) Got some good deals, but didn't really break the band, seeing as we're doing a "homemade Christmas" this year.
Once we arrived home, M and I went straight to bed to take a nap. ;) Seeing as Austin's birthday was just on Tuesday and Elder Carpenter's birthday was on Black Friday, we thought it would be fun to have a little birthday celebration. Fun, fun! ;) Actually, we had a "puking good time" ... more details to follow! muah ha ha ha!
Well, the night started out (after supper, of course) with the ceremonial 'opening of the presents'. Poor Elder Carpenter hasn't received anything from his 'friend that's a girl', so we got him a Barbie. He's naming her 'Jezebel'. (I wonder why? haha)Well, the games then began! We played a game where you have to scoop cotton balls from one bowl to another with a wooden spoon, blindfolded. FUN! There were some sneaky pranks to be found, I tell you what!
What would a party be without musical chairs? We only played spiritual music, OF COURSE. (*cough cough*) I believe that Elder Prisbry won that one.
Now, I'm not willing to divulge the person who came up with this last game. Originally, it was supposed to be "hot potato", but then I suggested we use the Barbie and play "hot Barbie". Well, that just doesn't sound like a game you should play with four missonaries, so it ended up being "hot ______". The first round was "hot applesause". Austin was the 'winner' and had to chug a snack-sized portion of applesauce. Easy, right? He did very well.
Next, we played "hot jello". Melissa was the 'winner' and, as you can see, it was very hilarious to watch! She was laughing so hard that she spit it out, and then proceeded to slurp it up off the table. I love Elder Prisbry's face! It was that hilarious!"Hot pudding" was for Elder Carpenter. I thought I'd go easy on him ... it was his birthday after all! :)
The next round was "hot peaches and cream". Poor Elder Christensen was the 'winner'. He had a real hard time choking down the chunks.* (*insert evil chuckle here) What we didn't know was that he has a really sensative gag reflex and that, coupled with the sounds of vomiting from his other "friends", it was only a matter of time before he started puking up the peaches and cream. muah ha ha ha! hee hee hee! I am evil, but thinking about his head in the garbage can just makes me laugh! :)Okay, now the "hot yams" may not sound bad to you, but to Elder Dean, it was quite sickening! Please take special note of Elder Christensen, gagging and puking along with Elder Dean! :) muah ha ha ha!
The worst "hot _____" was the last one. Elder Prisbry got "hot jello with some yams and a couple of cheese curds". Yuck is all I can say on that one. Actually, he was a trooper and ate the whole thing - I believe the words of a bystander were "that's a delete-r", referring to the boringness of the video. ;)
Okay, to the grande finale of the evening. Melissa volunteered (may I say volunteered again?) to take a teaspoon full of cinnamon and eat it. Now, she had just seen the video of Elder Carpenter doing the same thing, and she knew what to expect. I guess she thought he was a pansy and decided to do it anyway. I just watched the video again and am wiping the tears away from my face at the same time. A total "must see" ...
After all of the fun and puking was over, it was time for cake. A few opted out because their tummies were a little upset over the clenching of the puking muscles, but it was all good! I thought the pink cake went well with Elder Carpenter's Barbie ... ha! All-in-all, it was a super fun, super hilarious day! A few days after the party, Austin told me that "it was a fun time - those missionaries are funny!".
The birthday boys and their cake ...
END NOTE: Who's up for some fun? When it's your birthday, we can play games! Oh, and I triple dog dare everyone to get someone to do the cinnamon test ... muah ha ha ha! :)
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10 years ago
Still corrupting the elders I see...Hey I enjoyed every minute of it in AlamoGHETTO!!
Sweet!! You always know how to have a good time! That's the best thing about you :) Love the games... they look like a blast.
That was gross and it made me lol
(poor Melissa I feel bad for you.)
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