Sled-a-roni at the TurtleOn the day before the big blizzard, we took the kids to Turtle River State Park, which is only a few miles down the road. They have some nice hills there and even though the park ranger said there wasn't enough snow to sled on, we proved them wrong! :) We were the only ones on the hill - there's a warming cabin at the base of the hill, which was locked. It was a might nippy out there and the wind was a howlin'!
Here is a pic of the scenery - the park is not very big, but this section was a little picturesque ...
The troops, trudging up the hill ... you can still see the grass poking out :)
Melissa and Austin had a try at the new "snowboard" out - I use quotes because it's totally plastic. LOL Actually, both Melissa and Austin did well with the board ... I, on the other hand, preferred to travel down on my tush!
This is the only good shot I have of Austin - the plastic-y blue toboggan sled was totally useless, fyi. Melissa is ready to try out the board for the first time!
Melissa, looking like a pro ... maybe she should make it a new career move!
Here is a video of Austin, trying to enjoy sledding, and Melissa, using her new "skills"
Here is another video of Melissa, the Champion Snowboarder representing the US in the Winter Olympics ... ;)
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10 years ago
that looks AWESOME!!!
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