Turkey Day!
Well, Thanksgiving came to us a little sad this year because our lovie is serving in Iraq. We miss him a whole bunch! This year for Turkey Day, we were here, there and
Our day started at 8:45am with a call from our buddies, the Pontius family. They were wondering what our plans were that day ... they were watching movies and eating popcorn and wondered if we would care to join them. OF COURSE WE WOULD!Off to the Pontius' we went. We ended up having a "potato peeling party" - I think we must have peeled 40 pounds of potatoes (at least!). It was good fun! Annamarie found a potato almost the size of her head! Now that's a potato!
After the Pontius home, we traveled to our good friends, the Segura's, home. There we had the most wonderful Thanksgiving meal! YUMMY! The turkey was superb and
everything turned out wonderful! We had a rousing game of Phase 10 (I won 'cuz I had
the most points, right?! WRONG - Mr. Freddy won) and then rolled ourselves out the door to go to the chapel for another Thanksgiving meal.
We arrived a tad bit late (no surprise there) and dined on a little of the fare - our tummies were pretty much full still) but we HAD to have some of Jane's fabulous bread! :)
It was a busy day filled with good friends and good food!
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