Lavenham, revisited Ah, Lavenham. One of my
most favorite-est places. Like Kebra said, "it's exactly what you picture an English
village would
look like." JerryLynn, Kebra, Jane, Jacob and myself
browsed around the town
and braved the weather - it was windy and it rained on and off -
hence my getting strep
throat, I'm sure. Here
are some of the
highlights of
Lavenham...(check out the milk bottles on the front porch ... aawwww.) I'm trying to take some pictures that aren't the same from past visits.
Oh, and we had lunch at the Tickle Manor (est.
1532) where they have renamed the tea room to "Tickled Pink" ... rude. Oh, and just a suggestion, when going
tinkle on the potty at the Tickle Manor, watch your head. You're welcome.
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10 years ago
Hey this looks REALLY familiar!!! ;)
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