Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 14, 2009

Hearts & Flowers

Well, Valentine's Day was a bit of a bust this year. Jacob had meetings in Fargo and because Melissa went to a Stake dance, she was down there, too. They both got back at 4:40pm, so I stole my children and rushed over to Dairy Queen (mmm ... peanut buster parfait) and enjoyed a little sweet treat. Jacob didn't forget - he knew he was going to be gone the entire day so he surprised me with flowers on the night before. He knows I love roses ... they smell so awesome! Isn't he great? :)

Please note: the pitcher the roses are in still have the auction tag from the Diss auction on it! Ah, good times ...

On a side note, Melissa went to school last Monday (Feb. 9) and the roads were a thick sheet of ice. Melissa's bus was in a bit of an accident - the driver lost control and hit a yield sign and a fire hydrant. The kids on that bus were given a free pass - no school! I had Melissa go and take some pictures, but the only one she took had a fire department vehicle in it ... the roads look wet, but it's all ice. Slip, slide and away they went!


Jerry and Maaret said...

i remember ice storms- they make for some sweet sledding- you go soooooo FAST! Happy V Day, your flowers are beautiful :)